Week 03: Number Systems

Number systems and Conversion

This week’s recitation class discussion is all about number systems in terms of computer language. Yes! Number system is all about the matters behind decimals, binaries, octal and hexadecimals. The mathematical processes involved in the topic are easy and most are basic but I have to honestly admit that the sequence of processes involved in number conversion sometimes drive me into confusion. Hahaha!

We first had a brief recall about the history of numbers. I remembered that numbers have started through ancient merchants. They first used numbers to create and organize their inventory in the products they have and and to count the number of sold products. Moreover, they make their number inventory  through unary stone carvings and are crossed out ones sold.

Going further into the topic, I found out that the term “bits” came from the words “binary digits” which are essential to process data in the computer. Thus 8 bits are equal to 1 byte. For me one of the most important tips that I have learned in the discussion is that binary digits are also like decimals on where the 0 before any number is considered insignificant – yes, I really wanted to keep in mind that concept. Here are the list of base and digits in a specific number system:

  • Decimal: Base – 10, Digits – 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Binary: Base – 2, Digits – 0, 1
  • Octal: Base – 8, Digits – 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Hexadecimal: Base – 16, Digits – 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

    The number systems chart from: sabbir-himel.blogspot.com

I certainly do not know if how I would conceptualized my insight for this week since the number systems discussion is practically more about math processes and number conversion however, I would like to share how I feel in having such opportunity to learn how the computer sends instruction and process data merely through this number language.  The conversion of a number system to another type seemed to be very complicated at first but when it was taught, I found out that there are shortcuts and it is really fun to learn about and practice the conversion way. Though I am not so good in math, I am still able to cope up with the discussion and go along with the very unique and interactive group activity.

It is a privilege to be part of the IT class because I get to know more about the processes behind in every computer functions. Nonetheless, I sometimes end up thinking that my personal computer don’t actually deserve my complaints most especially when it is lagging because I now understand that even the computer takes time to transfer commands, process data and execute and shamelessly speaking, even I myself as a human finds it hard to manage numerical conversion like of decimal to binary and vice versa. What more for a computer which is only being run by a program made by human? Hahaha, kidding aside!

Special Question for the week: How do you unlove somebody that you love very dearly? 

I want to express first, how the question conflicted me within. It somehow brought me into another question which is “Why do you have to unlove somebody whom you love him/her very dearly?”

Honestly, I actually find the question very contradicting but it made me somehow smile and think for a second. After having sets of surveys with my friends and high school classmates (Yes, I did! Hahaha) I would like to settle for the fact that it is impossible to unlove someone. Even though human nature doesn’t exist in my perspective, it is still a nature to feel love for someone in any kind. In the movie entitled, Starting Over Again, Toni once asked Piolo if how is she going to unlove him but in the end, she answered it this way “I can’t unlove you. I just love you in a different way now.”

With this, I believe that love normally remains in our mind due to chemical reactions brought by oxytocin but it further lessens as the time goes by due to various circumstance in loving a certain person. When we love someone dearly, we often get hurt, feel sad and cry and get along into trials but those things aren’t enough justification to stop loving. Love is understanding, patient and sacrificial. Despite of pain, humans still contradict there own decisions to stop because they feel more complete in loving specific person. Moreover, unloving someone isn’t a solution since every process (just like in computers) in this world takes time most especially in healing a certain wound. Also in religious views, it is wrong to unlove someone because God has given this concept to us to share with our neighbors.

Thus, loving someone doesn’t comply with any measures unless the situation is still placid and you do not have to unlove someone as long the relationship between the two of you is still working.  If the situation has really gone wrong, you can take breaks between each other but still the feelings will remain no matter what because of valuable memories you had together. Nevertheless, loving somebody is not like a pencil writing that you can erase whenever it doesn’t look good. It is an abstract feeling that no one could interfere and could concretely explain.

However, according to one of my friends, there is really a way to unlove someone but these are not certified ones.  The willingness and the self control still lies into a certain peson. Unloving someone can confine into scientific methods.

Identify the problem: Why are you going to unlove him/her? What are the situations you wanted to escape as you unlove him/her?

Set objectives or solution: Is unloving him/her a solution? Will you be happy and contented if you choose to unlove him/her?

Make observations: Make yourself busy with other set of things and ideals around you. What are the things that will NOT make you remember about him/her? Have them!

Think outside the box: Once making observation is already part of your routine, you’ll slowly be able to forget about the memories you had together and you’ll be able to build up new mindset.

Conclusion: Be happy of your choice and never regret any single moment of your decision to unlove him/her!

But still, it is not possible to unlove somebody. The feelings remain. The memories remain. The pain remains. Maybe if two persons in a relationship would have a closure within, things will turn out clearer and better.


One thought on “Week 03: Number Systems

  1. “Why do you have to unlove somebody whom you love him/her very dearly?” yes i guess na-answer mo rin ito sa blog entry mo. Sometimes love hurts so much at natatanong na lang natin “how do i unlove you?” But i guess that’s just another way of saying: “how do i get over you?” 😀 anyway gusto ko lang talaga malaman ang inyong mga perspective about love. 😀 Natuwa naman ako sa sagot mo. You even did a survey. :)) at may scientific process pa 🙂


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